like this

it's not like this
but i want you to hold my hand

yet i turn away without your noticing

sour nights alone and i fail to please
with thoughtless sighs -
like when i think of you
for example

for example
like when i think of you
with thoughtless sighs -
sour nights alone and i fail to please

you hold me tight ten meters apart
in a vast empty land
where our bodies exist as one
too far apart
our bodies exist as one


as yet another doll 
i play under your fingertips
and you whisper into my ears
things i want you to want me to want you to hear

and it falls back again
the relationship of a soon-to-be lover

i have the power to never let you go
but i need to want you to win my
even more

it's not like this
not at all
but i want you to hold my hand

like this.

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