eat me up

explicit content.

eat me up and
tear me into pieces
after pieces
after a million fucking pieces
shit, you
crush every single bone left in me
and while i can still feel
slurp up my bone marrow 
while i can still feel

slice me up into your
favourite shapes and sew my
broken pieces together like
a child's necklace
stick a barbecue stick through my body
vagina upwards to my brain
stand me up for display
your sacrificial piece of fucking meat

you know you're right

i'm always wrong
you prove me wrong


i feed you my words
in the shape of my
burnt black like charcoal
sending waves of 
unbearable stench we can call
but you love it all the same
suck it up,
lick me up like
dirt from your lips
eat me up
like i'm fucking poison

you know you're right

and i die instinctively - it is time -
self slaughter with a stab on my chest
for you
for you
on a plate i am
for you

fuck me up, eat it.

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