un coeur a paris

it is strange when that song plays again,
when i'm there again, in the place i escaped to for a
badly needed solitude away from him.
strange how it brings back reminiscents of me
trying to remember how i was like
before him,
so i didn't have to cope with how i was like
after him,
the one who slips continuously in and out of
reminiscents of what happened when i was
with him.

some people say listening to heartbreak songs
make you cry,

but i don't find the need to cry over
a heart already broken
for i've cried enough over
a heart breaking
and the songs only remind me of how much
time i wasted
trying to mend myself -

i was never good at stitching.

when you have no other choice but
to step into an unwanted time warp
all you've got to do is hold on to the
remembering, unlike back then,
that you always have another place
to fall back into
if things get horrid.

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