
i touch the trickle of time
and visit its cold metal of
a familiar fear,
its hands twitching against
a stagnant face that stares
me down, urging me inwards and

i wish the sounds that form
on my lips, were not
shadowed with hesitance
but instead, shone,
with a confidence i still
fail to unbury from beneath my skin.

i curl in every time
i feel the pressure
of myself dismantling.

it is such a beautiful sight
when the first thing i see
are those eyes
that move me,
each day i am gifted a chance
to open up to a world with you,
and i don't deserve anymore
than the trust i placed
in every breath we share.

i stutter and slip
on my thoughts,
unknowing of how to express
the intense growth of passion
colliding inside me
whenever you kiss my forehead
and daringly promise me your efforts.

promises that mean
so much more,
promises i hold onto
and cherish,
promises i try to claim
but do not need,
because knowing you are
by my side
is the only promise i ever need.

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